become a dreadlock stylist
Dreams can come true!
Making your passion your work.
You can do it!
And we're here to support you!

Become a pro
Do you want to learn everything about Dreads and how to make good money with it?
Dreadshop Academy offers what you are looking for!
Professional online courses for both making Real Dreads as well as making and installing Synthetic Dreads.
Completely online to follow in your own time. Everything about proven successful methods, but also about branding and marketing. Beginner or Professional? There is so much to learn! I help you with a continuous flow of customers. Grow your Salon and specialize (even more) in Dreads. Choose to chase your dream and earn good money with Dreads!
Learning from a professional is like taking the highway instead of a bumpy road
Types of courses

The Professional Temporary Dreadlock Install course
This course is especially developed for you as a Hairstylist! Learn everything you need about the art of installing Temporary Dreadlocks.
Level-up your skills and add this amazing service to your unique Salon! Renate from Dreadshop and Marjolein from SaltyDreads have bundled their knowledge and creativity in this online course!

The Professional Synthetic Dreadlock Stylist online course
Everything you need to know about making Synthetic Dreadlocks, Installing them and how to grow your business! All on the highest professional level in the market!
This offer includes a GUARANTEED earned investment back within 12 months! And even can be within a couple of months!

The Professional Real Dreadlock Stylist online course
Everything you need to know about making, maintaining, extending and removing Real Dreadlocks and how to grow your business! All on the highest professional level in the market!
This offer includes a GUARANTEED earned investment back within 12 months! And even can be within a couple of months!

Dreadlock Photography, Branding & Marketing
Emilie is Photographer, Content Creator and a popular influencer!
She takes you along into improving and growing your (Social Media) content.

How to maintain your own Real Dreads
In this Course Diane takes you along in doing maintenance on your own Real Dreadlocks!When you have followed this course you know which tools to use, you can do maintenance on your roots, loops, bumps, work away loose hair and even working on the back of your head is not a problem anymore!

How to install Synthetic Dreads on yourself
In this Course Renate takes you along in installing Synthetic Dreadlocks (Locks of Love) on yourself.
Once you've finished this Course, you know how to section your hair and how to divide both Singled Ended (SE) and Double Ended (DE) Dreads, for the best result!
Limited places available!
I focus on quality instead of mass.
That's why there are a limited number of places available in my courses.
I always work in small groups, so every student gets our full attention and guidance to achieve success!