Ash Blonde Bum Length
Ash Blonde Bum Length - Dreadset Full Head
Loooong Dreads, all the way to your buttocks! And that in this beautiful Ash Blonde color, a dream come true! The color Ash Blonde is a natural light blonde color with a cool, ashy undertone. Renate has developed this color for the basic collection Locks of Love.
This set comes with enough dreads for a head full! Namely four bundles; two Single Ended and two Double Ended. The perfect combination for a natural distribution with beautiful volume.
All our Dreads are made from Henlon Hair. This hair has been selected by Renate for its soft and natural look & feel. It is finished without a chemical coating, which gives a much nicer wearing comfort.
Wearing Dreadlock Extensions is an ideal temporary look! It is easy to install and harmless for your hair!
Because the Dreads are made by hand according to a method we developed, we can guarantee that you can reuse them endlessly. Ready to enjoy it for years to come!