Flyer Synthetic Dread Care
Flyer Synthetic Dread Care
Flyer Synthetic Dread Care


Flyer Synthetic Dread Care

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SKU: 8719286013414
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How can I take care of my Synthetic Dreads?

Synthetic Dreads are super easy to take care of. That is also why so many people enjoy wearing Synthetic Dreads. And you will never have a bad hair day, it’s perfect!

The Renate's Locks of Love barely need any care. But obviously you want your scalp and hair to be well taken care of. And also to be able to wear your Dreads as long and beautiful as possible.

But how can you best wash your Synthetic Dreads? And how long can you wear them?

In this flyer we have bundled all these care tips for your Synthetic Dreads.

With the information in the flyer you can take great care of your Synthetic Dreads, hair and scalp. With this information you can also make sure your own hair gets less frizzy.

In the flyer, we talk for example about washing the Synthetic Dreads but also about how to take them out. And of course many more handy tips.

This flyer is an absolute must-have for Dreadheads!