Hygiene: Can my Synthetic Dreads be reused by someone else?

Hygiene: Can my Synthetic Dreads be reused by someone else?

You have worn your Dreads with great pleasure, but you want to wear a different color, length or another type of Dreadlocks. Can you give or sell your used Dreads to someone else? What about hygiene?
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Synthetic Dreadlocks are reusable

All the Synthetic Dreads that you can buy from us are reusable. The Locks of Love are of the very best quality and basically endlessly reusable. So when you don’t use them yourself it’s sensible to make someone else happy with them!

Wash the dreads thoroughly

The most important thing is to thoroughly wash the Dreads! How you can do this you can read here. When the Dreadlocks have been washed they are ready to be reused, it’s totally fine if that is by someone else! Look at it as clothing. You also wear this on your body, but when you thoroughly wash it it’s perfectly fine when someone else would wear it.

Sell my Locks of Love, where can I do that?

Because the Locks of Love are of the very best quality it’s a shame if they’re not being used anymore. In addition they are enormously popular and it’s easy to make someone else happy with them! To bring the supply and demand together we have created a special group on Facebook. In this group you can offer your Locks of Love for sale. Or when you are looking for second hand Locks of Love, buy them here.

I wish you a lot of fun with reusing your Synthetic Dreadlocks!

-X- Renate