Can I swim with Synthetic Dreads?

Can I swim with Synthetic Dreads?

A frequently asked question is whether you can swim with Synthetic Dreads, in this blog I will gladly answer that.
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Can I swim with Synthetic Dreads?

The answer to this is yes! You can just swim when you wear Synthetic Dreads. However, we still go by our advice on getting your Synthetic Dreads wet. The less your Dreadlocks get wet, the better they will stay. So try to keep your Synthetic Dreads as dry as possible while swimming. Or try to limit swimming to a maximum of once a week if you cannot keep your Dreadlocks dry while swimming.

What should I pay attention to when I go swimming with Synthetic Dreads?

It is important not to wet your Synthetic Dreads too often (maximum once a week). This means that it is better to swim with a Dread bun.

In these videos we would like to show you how to make an easy bun for swimming:

Another option is to wear our shower cap, which protects your Dreads against the (splashing) water.

Did your Dreads get wet while swimming? Use a Cleansing Spray to wash your Dreads after swimming and rinse your Synthetic Dreads very well.

Does the chlorine water damage my Dreads?

No, the chlorine water will not damage your Dreads. Our Dreads are made of high quality Synthetic hair. It is still very important to rinse your Dreads very well after swimming, especially if you have been swimming in chlorinated water.

Can I also swim in open water with my Dreadlocks?

It is certainly possible to swim in open water with your Dreads. We stand by the same advice for this as for swimming in chlorinated water. Try to wet your Dreads as little as possible and rinse them well after swimming!

Have fun swimming!

-X- Renate