How to use: Locking / Tightening Products

How to use: Locking / Tightening Products

You have Real Dreads and you want to let them become nice and compact. The help from Locking / Tightening products is ideal, but how do you use these products for the best result?
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Which Locking / Tightening products suit my Dreads?

There is quite a selection of the products in this category. A choice between products is alway something personal, but with some extra explanation about the products you might be able to make a better choice.

Basic products that help your Dreads to become tighter

A product that is very nice and easy to use is a Locking / Tightening spray! This is basically the nicest and most used basic product when locking your Dreadlocks. You can easily spray it on your Dreads and if necessary on your scalp to help your Dreads to get tighter. You can use the spray on a daily basis, but 1-3 times a week is more than enough.
The Locking sprays that Dreadshop has in the assortment are the Texturizer Tightening Spray from RAW ROOTs and the Dollylocks Tightening Spray.

Dreads: extra strong Tightening

Something else that can help your Dreads to become tighter is the Tightening Gel from RAW ROOTs. This gel will make your Dreads noticeably tighter! You have to be careful that you don’t use too much of this product though. Our advice: applying a few pumps on your hand and rubbing it on your Dreads will do. Preferably use it on towel dry (still a bit wet/damp) hair. 
When your Dreads have recently been installed, you can palmroll your dreads one by one and use the Tightening Gel. You will use a bit more of the gel, but it will make your dreads noticeably tighter! Don’t do this too often (maximum 1x a month), because it can cause your hair to dehydrate.
Palmrolling will make your Dreads tighter aswell. You can do this with or without products.

Tight Dreadlocks with pow(d)er!

Then there are the Locking Powders. These powders will make your hair coarse which makes it easier to lock and this can also increase the tightening of your Dreads.
Dreadshop’s advice is to use these powders especially for tightening your outgrowth. These products are very helpful with that! Also when you extend your Dreads a Locking Powder is very helpful to make the connection between your own hair/Dread and extension coarse and rough. Within our assortment there is the Dollylocks “Dry Shampoo” Locking Powder.

Nourishment and care of your Dreads

The Locking / Tightening products contain salts and other ingredients that make your hair dry. Dry hair will lock better and this will result in tighter Dreads.

It’s important that your hair doesn’t get too dry! Dehydrated hair can start to break and nobody wants that! Make sure that you also nourish your Dreads with conditioning products like for example a Refreshening Spray or a caring oil next to the tightening products. It’s important to find a good balance between these products.

Good luck taking care of your beautiful (tight) Dreadies!

-X- Renate