Partial dreads
Partial dreads have become very popular in a short period of time. Partial dreadlocks means that you have a few rows of dreads from the bottom of your neck/ head installed, leaving the rest of your hair loose and falling over the dreads. So you don't have all your hair braided with dreads. Partial dreads are possible both with Synthetic dreads and Real dreadlocks.
A full head of dreadlocks
Most people in our salon opt for a full head of dreadlocks, real or synthetic ones. That way you get a whole new look! Sometimes a loose lock of hair is chosen to be left at the front, in this blog you can read more about that.
Subtle change or a whole new look
With partial dreads you create a subtle change in your look. The dreadlocks are somewhat “hidden” under your loose hair, and are not very noticeable. By styling your partial dreads in certain hairstyles you can choose to make them stand out a bit more / wear them more visibly.
But your loose hair is the most visible and therefore it is not a very noticeable change in your appearance. Are you not allowed to wear dreads at work? Perhaps partial dreads are allowed because they are more subtle ;)
Or would you like to have a full head of dreads but find that to be too big of a step right away? Then start with Partial Dreadlocks, you get to experience what it’s like to have dreads without the full head commitment. And if you like it, you can go for a full head the next time you get dreads!
Going for the full head of dreads? Then you get a whole new look! Ideal if you really want to do something different with your hair and are ready for a complete change. Especially with synthetic dreads, you can really go wild with colors ;)
Weight of dreadlocks
With Partial Dreads you have less dreadlocks, and therefore have less weight on your head. Are you afraid that a full head is too heavy for you? Then start with Partials and get your head used to extra weight step by step.
With a full head of dreads you have more dreads, and therefore more weight to carry. Especially when with real dreads, the weight can add up quite a bit over the years as your dreads grow longer and longer.
Our Synthetic Locks of Love are not very heavy, you can find the weights here.
TIP: Have your synthetic dreadlocks installed by a professional, this way you can make sure your hair is not overloaded.
Maintenance/ Care
So with partial dreads, you also have partially loose hair to take into account. Your loose hair as well as your dreadlocks need different type of care, and you might need/ have a different care routine for both. In this blog you will read more about caring for partial dreads and in this one about washing them.
So it takes a bit more time and effort.
Another important point is that with partial dreads, your loose hair can tangle in your dreads, especially with Real dreadlocks. Therefore, it is a good idea to keep separating your loose hair from your dreads on a daily basis.
With a full head of dreads, maintenance is a bit easier: you have no loose hair to take care of separately, just your dreads. Just imagine: you roll out of bed, make a nice updo with your dreads and you're done! No more bad hair days!
Find out more about caring for real dreads here.
And in this blog you will find more information on caring for synthetic dreads.
Are you ready for the full head commitment or do you still have doubts?
It doesn’t feel right (yet) to say ‘goodbye’ to your loose hair? With partial dreads you have the best of both worlds: you partly keep your combable hair but you also have dreads!
A full head of dreads is quite a big change in your look so go for a full head of dreads only if you are completely ready for it and have no doubts in mind!
Sections visibility
If you have partial dreads, the sections on your scalp are less visible. To install dreads, your hair is divided into sections, from each section of hair a dreadlock is then made or braided into it. Some people find these sections distracting. In this blog you can read about why sectioning is important.
With partial dreads, your loose hair falls over your dreads and the sections, making them less noticeable.
If you have a full head of dreads, the sections are more visible. Not everyone is bothered by that, but if you don't like it, you could opt for a loose lock and wear it backwards over the sections.
What’s more, the sections are more visible when the dreads have just been installed, and are still nice and tight. Over time, the outgrowth of the dreads becomes looser and a little fluffier. The tightness and clear divisions between the dreadlocks then become less visible.
Prejudice from people around you
Unfortunately, many people still have a negative image of dreadlocks: ‘dreads are dirty and you can't wash them’. Is it your dream to get dreads but the opinions of people around you are stopping you from getting them?
Then try partial dreads as it’s less noticeable with them that you have dreads. Also, the people around you will see how nice and neat your dreads look! And all that as a result can lower that blockage you have for getting a full head ;)
Either way, we believe that if you like (full head or partial) dreads, you should go for it! No matter what other people think. After all, it's your hair so you decide what to do with it! A frequently heard story from our salon clients: ‘I didn't dare to get dreads for years, and now that I have them, I think: if only I had done it sooner, I feel much more like myself now!’
The length of your own hair
Your hair length is also something to consider when you think of getting partial dreads or full head. Partial dreads look best when your own hair is about the same length as the dreads. If your own hair is much shorter than the dreads, you will create a more unnatural look; your dreads and loose hair will not look as whole but there will be a definite difference visible. You can hide this difference in length by styling your dreads in various hairstyles, but anyway it will limit ways of wearing your dreads.
If you would like partial synthetic dreads but your own hair is much shorter than our Locks of Love, contact one of our affiliates for a customized set of dreads.
Do you have short hair but would like long dreadlocks? Go for a full head of dreads and get those long locks you’ve always wanted! You can have synthetic dreadlocks installed as long as your hair length is minimum of 8 cm and longer. Real dreads need a bit longer hair, we recommend at least shoulder-length hair or if you want to have dreads extended, minimum 15 cm then.
Wearing your dreads in different hairstyles
With partial dreads, you are slightly limited as to how you can wear your dreads because there is also your loose hair to consider.
With a full head of dreads, there are lots of options on how to wear the dreads: you can find inspiration for many different dread hairstyles on our YouTube channel.TRY TO ADD AS OPEN IN NEW WINDOW ;)
One advantage of dreads compared to loose hair: with drealocks you can create a fun updo very easily and when you make it in the morning, it stays in place all day!
Choosing colors
This mainly applies to Synthetic dreads.
Partial dreads are actually best when the colours of the dreads are close to your own hair colour, it then looks most natural, and the dreads form nicely as a whole with your loose hair. Unless you're not going for a natural look of course. ;)
If you have a full head of dreads, you can go for a natural look by choosing dreads in the colour of your own hair. Or dreads where the top of the dreads is the same colour as your hair. But you can also choose a completely different colour of dreads. Because all your hair is braided into the dreads, it will be less noticeable that your hair is a different colour compared to partial dreads. So you can also go for a drastic metamorphosis and choose a completely different colour of dreads! We wrote a blog about this earlier.
Are you used to styling your loose hair with a lot of volume? If so, you might like to keep that volume on top of your head and then choose partial dreads.
By wearing partial dreads, you add some volume to your hair with the dreads but it’s not too much .
With a full head of dreads, you can create a lot of volume (especially with Synthetic dreads). With real dreads, your volume depends on how thick your hair is and how much hair you have. Do you have a lot of thick hair? Then you will get more dreads and thereby more volume than if you have fairly thin hair and little hair in general.
Still wondering what is the best choice for you? Then book a consult!
After reading this blog, do you still have doubts about what would be the best choice for you, or what is possible with your hair? Then book a consultation, for personalised advice from our dreadlock expert.
Has this blog helped you make a choice and you would like to make an appointment in our salon? Then book your appointment here or check out our Salon page first.