How do I choose between Real and Synthetic dreadlocks?

How do I choose between Real and Synthetic dreadlocks?

You have been dreaming of dreadlocks for years now but you don’t know whether to go for Synthetic Dreadlocks or Real Dreads? In this blog we will help you make the choice.

What are the most important differences between Synthetic and Real dreadlocks?

Synthetic dreads

  • temporary look (2 - 3 months of wearing time)

  • quite easy to care for

  • braided into your hair, less natural look

  • relatively easy to take out

  • creates a lot of volume

  • less expensive

  • installed within 2 - 3 hours

  • painless install

  • drying dreadlocks goes relatively quick 

  • the dreads do not change in appearance as you wear them

  • you need at least 8cm of your own hair to braid them in

Real Dreads

  • permanent look, you wear them for longer time 

  • requires more care/ maintenance, especially in the first year

  • natural look

  • removing dreads is more difficult: cutting or combing out ( takes a lot of time and patience)

  • volume depends on the thickness/ amount of your own hair. If you have thin hair you will have less dreads than if you have thick hair

  • bigger expense to have Real Dreads created

  • creating dreadlocks takes longer, 1 or more days

  • creating ( sometimes ) and maintaining can feel quite sensitive to your scalp

  • drying dreadlocks can take quite some time ( the older and more compact the dreads, the longer they dry )

  • during the first months your dreads might look a bit messier/ weirder, but with time they will become nicer and more firm

  • your own hair needs to be at least 15 cm long (if you want to have the dreads extended). Without extensions we recommend your hair to be at least shoulder length

The question is: what is the main reason that you want dreadlocks?

This reason can affect your choice, so let’s take a look at the most common reasons why people choose dreadlocks.

 I want more volume in my hair

A common reason for wanting dreads is to create more volume in the hair. Dreadlocks are a good way to achieve that.

With Synthetic Dreads you can easily create a lot of volume, a standard set of our Renate’s Locks of Love already gives you quite a lot of volume but if you want even more, you can easily add more Double ended than Single ended dreadlocks. Double ended dreads will help you achieve the desired volume easier.
Even when you have fairly thin hair, you can still install a nice bunch of dreads.

With Real Dreads, it all depends on the thickness and the amount of hair you have. You will have extra volume in your hair once it’s dreaded but if you start with fairly thin hair, it will be less compared to someone with very thick hair. If you would like more volume or to add some color to your dreads, you can attach some single ended dreads temporarily.

Sum up: it’s easier to create volume with Synthetic Dreads compared to Real ones.

I often change hairstyles, I like variety 

Are you someone who changes their hairstyle often and never walks around with the same style for long? Then Synthetic Dreadlocks are a perfect match for you! 
You can very easily change colors/ styles every few months without harming your hair! 
With Real Dreads you can’t change your whole style as easily. Of course you can add some colors and decorations to your dreads with beads/ charms and yarn. 
And by adding Single dreads to your real dreadlocks you can temporarily add and play with colors/ volume.  But switching to a completely different thickness/ color/ length is more difficult with Real Dreads. 

Sum up: with Synthetic Dreads you can more easily make bigger changes to your Dread style, color etc.

I want as natural look as possible

Synthetic Dreads are braided into your own hair. The closer the color of your own hair is to the color of the dreads, the less visible the braid will be.
Our Synthetic Locks of Love look very natural but you will always slightly see the braid in, especially if you wear a full head of dreads.
Additionally, synthetic dreadlocks are uniform and straight, so they look a bit less natural and will continue to look about the same, even if you wear them for the first time or the fourth time. 

Real Dreads are created from your own hair, so you don’t have a braid by the scalp. This makes the dreads look much more natural compared to synthetic dreads. 
Real Dreadlocks are often slightly different in thickness from each other. They also change over the years and as they become more and more compact, and start to mat, they can form bumps and loops. Depending on your care routine and hair texture, each Dreadhead’s locs will have their own unique look. 

Sum up: Real Dreads look the most natural. 

I would like an easy hairstyle, I don’t want to spend too much time on my hair

Are you tired of getting out of bed early every morning to do your hair? Or getting on your bike and arriving at the destination with a completely windswept hairdo? Then we can highly recommend Synthetic Dreads for you. 
You will never have a bad hair day, your updo stays the way you styled it in the morning and you don’t have to stand in front of the mirror for hours to make your hair look presentable!
Synthetic Dreadlocks are also low maintenance, in fact you only need to wash them once a week ;)
And every 2 to 3 months you can reinstall them! 

Real Dreads have a bit more care and maintenance needed to keep them looking beautiful and clean. Especially for the first year you have them. Your dreads need time to form, and get even more and more beautiful ;) 

Sum up: Therefore Synthetic Dreadlocks are the easier hairstyle, on a daily basis, compared to Real Dreads.

I want to try dreads to see if it suits me

Would you like to try out a completely different hairstyle? 
With synthetic dreads you can try out a completely new look for a few months without being stuck with it for years.
But be careful, wearing dreads can be addictive ;) 

Real Dreads are a lot more permanent. The easiest and fastest way of taking them out is to cut the dreads off. Do you have patience and want to keep some of your hair length? Then you can comb them out, this does require a lot of time and patience. 
Creating Real Dreadlocks also has a different price tag than braiding in synthetic dreads. So of course it’s an extra loss if you get tired of your real dreads quickly! 

Sum up: In this case Synthetic Dreadlocks are a better choice. 

I am not sure what to do with my frizzy/ dull hair, there is nothing to do with my hair  

You have tried different hairstyles already but none of them have the effect you want: more volume/ an easier hairstyle/ longer hair etc. In short, a hairstyle that makes you feel more confident! 

Then Dreads are a really good choice. When wearing synthetic dreads, you take them out every few months and it is recommended to take a break of one week to let your scalp rest. Then you can install them again! 

If you don’t want to go on with your regular hair for even a week, you should consider real dreads. Provided it is possible with your hair type/ length. When you have real dreads you don’t have to take them out, just have them maintained every 3 - 4 months so you don’t have to go back to your frizzy/ dull “regular” hair. 

Both Synthetic and Real Dreadlocks can be a good option in this case.

I no longer want to battle with the tangled hair daily

Dreadlocks are definitely a godsend in that case! If you choose synthetic dreads, you would have to take them out every 2 - 3 months and then comb your hair. This is quite a chore, and if your hair tangles easily by itself, this will be even more work.

Real dreads are created from your hair once, after that you never have to take them out, and you never have to comb your hair again! Okay, never may be an exaggeration, of course you may not want your dreads in 10 years for whatever reason. But you get the idea, no more daily struggle of detangling your hair ;) 
Besides, it is an advantage if your hair tangles easily when you have dreadlocks!

Sum up: Both synthetic and real dreads can be a good option in this case. You can also try synthetic dreads first, and if you like wearing dreads, you can make the switch to real dreadlocks.

Still unsure what is right for you? Book a Personal Advice appointment!

Choosing Real Dreads is usually something people think about for a while first as it is a more permanent hairstyle than synthetic ones. 
After reading this blog, do you still have doubts about what would be the best choice for you, or what is even possible with your hair? Then book a consultation, for personalised advice from our Dreads expert ;) The best part? It can be in our Salon but also online/ phone call! 

Has this blog helped you make a choice and you’re ready to make an appointment in our Salon? Then check out available dates here