Real Dreadlocks Salon customer

Tips for dreads and oily hair/ scalp

Do you have real or synthetic dreadlocks and are bothered by oily scalp? Or are your dreadlocks quickly getting greasy and ready for the next wash? That’s very unfortunate as of course you’d want your scalp and dreads to look well cared for and not greasy. But which products should you use then? 

Dreadshop has a lot of different care products available so we understand that it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack ;) In this blog we’ll give you some tips!

Use products especially made for dreadlocks 

First of all, it’s important to use care products that are specially made for dreads. As dreadlocks require different type of care than your “combable” hair, it’s best not to use shampoos and other products intended for your “regular” hair. It can take some time to find which products work fine for your dreads and scalp. Thankfully, in our assortment, we have several brands that use natural ingredients in their products and we have tested them ourselves: RAW ROOTs and Dollylocks.

Adjust your washing routine

It is also good not to wash your hair too often. This may sound contradictory but if you wash your dreads almost every day, your scalp will get used to this routine and will start producing sebum faster, making your scalp and hair feel greasy quicker. Dreadshop recommends washing your dreads around once a week

If you have just started wearing your dreads and you’re used to washing your “combable” hair more than once a week, your scalp may need time to get used to the new routine of being washed once a week. For some people, the scalp gets used to this fairly quickly, for others it may take a little bit longer. 
Have you washed your dreads once a week for awhile but your scalp still gets easily greasy? Then you should try washing your dreads twice a week. It might be a better solution for you and your scalp. After all, every hair and scalp is different.
You can also try rinsing your scalp with warm water between washes. 
It could also be that your scalp still needs to get used to the natural shampoo, especially if you have always used shampoos with synthetic ingredients such as sulfates and silicones.

These products are good for a greasy scalp

  • The Herbal Cleanser from RAW ROOTs, you take optimal care of your scalp. It minimizes the production of grease and prevents/ soothes itching, dandruff and other scalp related problems. When you have synthetic dreadlocks installed, it is best to use this shampoo in combination with a Refillable Shampoo Foamer Bottle. This way you thin out the shampoo and it’s easier to apply to your scalp without having to massage it in, and it’s easier to rinse it out without having to worry about leaving any residue. Plus, your shampoo lasts much longer this way ;)

  • Locking Powder / Dry Shampoo from Dollylocks: apply this powder to your scalp and outgrowth of your dreads, then you massage it in. This way it works just as any dry shampoo. It absorbs the grease from your hair. It is less suitable for synthetic dreads because by massaging in the locking powder you can loosen hairs and create frizz which cannot be easily maintained like with real dreadlocks. 
    Tip: If you wear your dreads with loose hair in the front or a fringe, you can also use the Locking Powder on your loose hair to delay washing it.

  • The Greenie Genie Soap Bar from RAW ROOTs: the oils of tea tree, mint and lemongrass refresh and stimulate the scalp. It is recommended to use this shampoo in combination with a Mesh Bag, this bag makes the shampoo bar foam more and you have more grip. When you use the soap bar with synthetic dreads, it is better to foam the bar in the Mesh Bag between your hands and THEN apply the foam to your scalp. This way you have less risk of loose hairs coming out and linting. 
    The Mesh Bag is also extra handy for using your last bits of shampoo. Have you finished washing your dreads? Hang up the Mesh Bag with the soap bar to let it dry! 

TIP: The Refreshening spray is nice to freshen up your scalp, at least your scalp will smell fresh again!