Order your favorite colors Synthetic Dreads in loose bundles
In the extensive range of Dreadshop you will find different types of Synthetic Dreadlock Extensions, available in separate bundles.
You can choose the Renate's Locks of Love originals or the Thin Renate's Locks of Love. But since 2021 we also have Human Hair Dreadlock Extensions in our range, available in beautiful natural colors.

Compose your set with Double Dreads or Single Dreads
To put together your favorite Dreadset, we offer you the option to order separate bundles with our Synthetic Dreads. With this you can choose to order one or more bundles with Dreads.
Would you like a full head with Dreads? Then choose two bundles of single ended Dreads and two bundles of double ended Dreads for the best result.
Do you find it difficult to install your Synthetic Dreads yourself? Then choose our online course in which we show you with different videos on how you can install your Dreads on yourself.
Dreadlocks in loose bundles
Human Hair Dreadlock Extensions of high quality Human Hair
Due to the enormous demand for Human Hair Dreadlock Extensions, we added Human Hair Dreadlocks to our range in 2021.
These Dreadlock Extensions, made of high quality Human Hair, are perfect for extending your own Dreads. Of course you can also use them to add more volume to your Dreads.
The Human Hair Dreadlocks Extensions are available in different natural tones.
Single Ended Dreads and Double Ended Dreads
In our webshop you will find two different types of Synthetic Dreads: the single ended Dreads and the double ended Dreads. Both types are available in separate bundles, so that you can choose and wear your desired Dreads yourself.
Do you want to know what the difference is between a double ended and a single ended Dread? Read our blog about this.
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